Η πλατφόρμα πολιτισμού του

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 26.07.2023 | Εκδήλωση

GAIA – Heptaptyrgion

On the 8th and 9th of August, at 21:00, at the Heptaptyrgion, Thessaloniki.


8 & 9 August, Heptaptyrgion, Thessaloniki

Production: MEDEA ELECTRONICS – Art & Culture Company

Genre: Performance-Installation

Time: 21:00

Duration: 50′


For pre-booking press HERE


Heptaptyrgion, Thessaloniki


“And yet, the Earth moves!” said Galileo in 1610 and humanity had to come to terms with the idea that the Earth does move. In 2023, however, we must accept that the Earth trembles and reacts against human interventions.

At the crossroads of art and technology, visual and musical performance, GAIA produces a different narration about the Earth and the way we should be inhabiting it. Inspired by the rich theoretical work of Bruno Latour and Frédérique Aït-Touati, this new – visual and stage – narration about the Earth is both about man and non-human factors, without however putting aside the human element – as is often proposed by the meta-human discourse. Yes, we do experience a destruction. But that can be reversed. We need to produce a new world creation, by renewing our representations of the terrestrial, biotic and abiotic world.


Creative team

Music score, sound installation: Manolis Manousakis

Visual installation, live visuals, video mapping: Alexandra Niaka, Haris Lalousis

Interactive installation design: Alexandra Niaka, Haris Lalousis

Audiovisual installation: Thodoris Zioutos

Curator, dramaturgy: Angeliki Poulou

Choreography: Aris Papadopoulos

Performers: Aris Papadopoulos, Nicole Dimitrakopoulou along with the young performers Eirini Defiggou, Fryni Vlachou, Fay Marambidou

Onstage musician: Guido de Flaviis

Contrabass: Dimitris Tigkas

Animation: Kleopatra Korai

Technical director: Vassilis Kontouris

Production organisation: Klio Liava

Project development: Medea Electronique


Participating in the creation of the work as assistants are the multimedia artists and seniors of the Department of Digital Arts and Cinema of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens: Anna Filidou, Katerina Karagiannopoulou, Natalia Vasilakopoulou, Ilias Lachanas, Giorgos Karagiannidis, Petros Kalogirou